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fatty liver and kidney syndrome中文是什么意思

用"fatty liver and kidney syndrome"造句"fatty liver and kidney syndrome"怎么读"fatty liver and kidney syndrome" in a sentence


  • 脂肪肝和肾综合征
  • 脂肪肝肾综合症


  • At the jiangsu province of china for three days . we will bring light to research , pre - clinical and clinical development of avian nutritional and metabolic disorders by covering hot topics such as phs of broilers , sds of broilers , fatty liver and hemorrhagic syndrome in laying hens , fatty liver and kidney syndrome , avian skeletal disoders , gout and kidney urolithiasis of poultry , avian amyloidosis , nutrition and immunity , mycotoxin and immunity , herbal medicine and immunity , selenium and glycomicsselenium and cancer
    这就迫使我们禽业工作者不得不认真面对之。为此,南京农业大学动物医学院发起和举办“国际家禽营养代谢病学术研讨会( international conference on avian nutritional and metabolic disorders ) ” ,特邀国外68名知名专家和多名国内著名学者做专题学术报告。
用"fatty liver and kidney syndrome"造句  
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